Tuesday 4 January 2011

1st Day Back

Well what can i say first day back after christmas and surprisingly not too bad.  With the randomness of Dramatic it's been a very strange day. English Lit normal lesson listening to my frankly fabulous teacher and walking quote machine that is Daddy K rambling through our work while every so often dropping in a quote completely unrelated that he read not doubt years ago but still manages to say word for word when Dramatic decided to have a giggle fit. Apparently the look i gave was as funny as her new favorite phrase 'Nuns on the Run' and also managed to make her worse. So, half an hour later and most of the lunch queue has no doubt over heard considering she was singing it and then went on to tell everyone she knew. Apart from this the day was pretty straight forward the usual lying bitch trying to convince me someone who will never and would never talked to her texts her regularly, the branded 'nuns' on a usual and extremely weird bonding spree despite their mutual hate and the usual lunchtime ramblings. Be back tomorrow with no doubt more Dramatic moments :)

Artfully x

Nuns On The Run

Hello again! Before I start this post, you may have noticed that the title is a bit... odd. Well yes but trust me, say it out loud and it's bound to make you laugh or at least smile, if not I'm an easily amused freak (This is more than possible) This simple statement caused me to enter a laughing fit for about 20 minutes during an English Literature lesson, whilst Artfully watched on bewildered. Anyway onto the main event... after living the rather cushy privileged life I have (well not really but I did always manage to get a lift home from school) my experience on buses is shall we say ... lacking? So today as I stood at the bus stop, change in hand, wind sweeping through my hair, determination coursing though my veins... I realised this adventure in public transport isn't all it's cracked up to be. In fact, now I realise why I've been avoiding it for so long. The bus itself, like a giant tin can containing overly hyper children and a few flu infected pensioners bumped along the road as I held on for dear life. Then for the cherry on top of this ice cream Sunday of misadventure a small child looked at me and went "I think you look like Ugly Betty" - thanks for that kid, thanks a lot. *I don't actually resemble ugly betty, well at least I hope not even though she's looking pretty good these days but that's off topic...*

So yes, with that I arrived home to the warmth and comfort of a pasta bake and a bit of Glee on youtube. Let's do the time warp again... so I can have a better bus journey?

Love Dramatic :)

Monday 3 January 2011

Dramatic Events :)

Well hello everyone, what have we here? A blog? My oh my what have I let myself in for? Well I've always liked the idea of the blog but it means I havee to think of interesting things to write about... Well I might as well tell you about yesterday when me and artfully got inspired. After watching the masterpiece that was "When Harvey Met Bob" I've asked myself one question and one question only... W.W.B.D? What would Bob do? Ah, Live Aid! So following this me and artfully decided to take a little day trip back to the 80's but because we lack a TARDIS or the deliciousness that is Matt Smith to take us back in time we settled for an 80's music sesh instead. (Which soon degenerated into some sort of nostalgic look back at 90's tv shows...) After listening to hits such as Wake me up before you go go and material girl and letting David Bowie teach us that we can be heroes, now all I want out of life is 80's tramp hair and a feed the world t - shirt. Feed The World!!!!! And if that fails just sit back and watch a bit of sabrina the teenage which to take the blues away...

Love Dramatic :)

Numbro Uno

Just a little note before anything else this blog is used by two different people : Artfully and Dramatic.

Right well blog no.1 and no idea what to put well i'm artfully i'm sure you'll notice i'm slightly less hyper than Dramatic but still just as crazy. I've always liked the idea of a blog but i've never actually managed to make one and while trying to decide if i should i found inspiration and not just from the Live Aid video Dramatic decided to share with me. I thought a joint blog ; two different views but two insanely crazy minds could join together to hopefully make something worth reading. So to explain the Live Aid mention two days ago i open facebook and there's Dramatic telling me i have to watch this video that has given her inspiration to 'Feed the World' and phrase now covering our facebook walls :) i'll hopefully be able to find the video while trawling through youtube on my nightly search for new and weird videos and hopefully i'll be able to post it to explain at least a small part of our craziness.

Artfully x